The Rhode Island Independent Community Health Works (RIICHWORKS) is a Limited Liability Company that support independent Community Health Workers (CHW) by providing job referrals, certified training, and professional development.
RIICHWORKS also partners with community organizations and institutions to provide best CHWs professionals to deliver quality and cost-effective care for our Partner’s patients and clients.
Our Mission
Our mission is to build a supportive ecosystem of services that empowers CHW professionals to thrive in their roles while also providing invaluable support and resource services to agencies, institutions and private health care providers that serve our communities.
Our Values
Equity in Access
Excellence in Care
Empathy in Approach
Empowering in Outcomes
A case study: A day in the life of a CHW
Programs Offered
1. With up to a 6-month training program.
2. Vocational Training pathway to support the becoming an independent CHW that includes paid 1 yr. membership to RIICHWorks and ongoing business support. -
1. RIICHWORKS will support agencies providing Independent CHW referrals and data support services.
1. Professional Development Training/Workshops, workspace, referrals, workspace and billing support.
Supporting RI Community-based Agencies and Institutions
RIICHWorks will provide connection services to agencies and institutions who are seeking Independent CHWs who meet specific needs and requirements of the requesting agency.
The cooperative will offer consultation services to agencies and institutions seeking to integrate CHWs into their programs and services, including guidance on CHW roles and responsibilities, program development, training, and evaluation.
RIICHWorks will establish quality assurance standards and protocols for CHW services, ensuring that agencies and institutions receive high-quality, evidence-based support from CHWs. This will involve ongoing evaluation mechanisms to assess the impact and effectiveness of CHW interventions.
RIICHWorks will facilitate and provide opportunities for sharing best practices, lessons learned, and innovative approaches to community-based care.
RIICHWorks will offer capacity-building services to agencies and institutions interested in developing or increasing their CHW workforce. This will include Individually tailored program design that includes training, technical assistance, and 1:1 Supervision Support for CHWs.

Supporting Independent Community Health Workers (CHWs):
RIICHWorks will offer training programs, workshops, and continuing education opportunities to enhance the skills and knowledge of CHWs. Entrepreneurship Program Our program will provide workforce development skills, an entrepreneurship incubator/bootcamp specific to Independent Community Health Care work. This will also include courses on cultural competency, health literacy, communication skills, billing services, and tools needed for supporting CHWs with specific areas of expertise.
RIICHWorks will serve as a referral agency for CHW’s to support the needs of community agencies, institutions, and Community Wellness Programs. CHWs will be able to access resources, tools, and materials to support their work in the community. This includes education and outreach materials.
RIICHWorks will host and facilitate peer support groups and mentorship opportunities for independent community health workers to connect and learn from one another. Independent community health workers and community allies can provide support and sharing of best practices.
RIICHWorks will advocate for the recognition rights and fair compensation of independent community health workers within state and national levels.
Provide education and support for independent community health workers and our allies.
RIICHWorks will advocate for fair wages, and working conditions for independent community health workers, ensuring that they are valued and respected for their vital role and promoting health equity and community well-being.